Foreign Embassies

below is a listing of foreign embassies in Parnu. 

"An embassy is a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent their government in a foreign country. The building in which they work is also called an embassy."

Established April 16th 2101

  Republic of Nexiren 

Nexiren natrel link 

Nexiren nation link

open 24/7

 00003 Parnu maakond rd

Availability index:

passport help ambassador building Rand-Euro currency conversion military guard authorisation

The Republic of Nexiren is a nation led by President Nexire Malik on the continent of Africa. The Republic of Nexiren's government is a Socialist Dictatorship with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Republic of Nexiren favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Republic of Nexiren is the Rand.

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Established June 3rd 2099


Lazarussia natrel link 

Lazarussia nation link

Lazarussia Discord Link 

open 24/7

 00002 Parnu maakond rd

Availability index:

passport help ambassador building Euro currency conversion

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Established Oct 12th 2091 

  Federal Republic of Uwistan  

Uwistan natrel link 

Uwistan nation link

open 24/7

 00001 Parnu maakond rd

Availability index:

passport help police help ambassador building Uwistanische Mark / Euro currency conversion

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