[ This is still a work in progress ] Nation Relations
LaPunta de Antartica | DSSR | New Zukesa | Hunton | Islamic Turkish Empire | Furry Empire | Dauchh Palki | Nova Mundus | Parsedean Empire | Nordic Socialist Democracy | Manatia | Luna |Devlin Republic of RoDevs | Lunoria | Obocchama Kun | Ukrzaction Republic | The Project at Edens gate | The Republic of Crimea | Republic of Meg | Estevezzia | Empire of Majapahit | Southern Nationalist China | Altis & stratis | Bulgris | Icenia | Deckerton | Aragolia | Uwistan |
[links broken from this point, they will not link to highlighted text below but the nation page of the nation] [+ Disclaimer: some nations will be outdated or no longer exist]
| New Bermudas | Lazarussia | Nexiren | Estonia | La Plata | Yarava |
[ if you want to be added / not on this page then please reply under here ]
LaPunta De Antartica [
La Punta de Antarctica (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: political ally
DSSR Dragovitia (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: good
New Zukesa [
New Zukesa (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: good
Hunton [
Hunton (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: neutral
Islamic Turkish Empire [
Islamic turkish empire (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: neutral
Furry Empire [
Furry Empire (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: neutral

Relation: friendly

Relation: neutral

Relation: good

Relation: good

Relation: good

Relation: good

Relation: Former ally
Recognised 2080-2101ots [nation deleted]

Relation: co-operative but suspicious
Source : Investigation [ voided due to nation change ]

Relation: political ally

Relation: neutral

Relation: Terrorist held state
Reason: War | Extortion | enforced authoritarium regeme |
Sources: conflict | investigation

Relation: political ally

Relation: Trade Partner / political ally
Estevezzia [
Estevezzia (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: Economical & military allies
Empire of Majapahit [ https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=483694 ]
Relation: co-operative allies
Southern Nationalist China [
Southern Nationalist China (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: friendly
Altis & Stratis [
(politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: friendly
Bulgris [ formerly SNC ] [
Bulgris (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: friendly
Icenia [
Icenia (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: neutral
Deckerton [ https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=492905 ]
Relation: neutral
Aragolia [
Aragolia (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: neutral
Uwistan [
Uwistan (politicsandwar.com)]
Relation: neutral
New Bermudas [https://]
Relation: neutral/good
Lazarussia [ https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=457689 ]
Relation: good
Republic of Nexiren [
Republic of Nexiren (politicsandwar.com) ]
Relation: allied [UKKO]
. .. [New Layout Established Below] .. .
Republic of Estonia [
Republic of Estonia (politicsandwar.com)
Relation: former ally. not recognised anymore.
Recognised: August 3rd 2101ots / June 28th 2024ad - November 19th2101ots / July 7th 2024ad (108 days. ots / 9 days ad)
[ Pärnu recognises independance of Estonia.]
Description: The Parliamentary Republic of Estonia [east of Pärnu] is a nation in the Baltics that arose from the FSI Estonia initiative and is headed by the head of state which is currently "President Kaarel Jogi" with Prime Minister: "Liina Tamm" in the parliament called the Riigikogu. Estonia and Parnu gained independence from the soviet union in 1991, however Parnu was not recognised until the 2080's by the international community of Orbis. Estonia has declared independence since 1991 however was only recognised by Parnu as the sovereign Republic of Estonia on August 3rd 2101.
Bulletins: https://politicsandwar.com/bulletin/id=45445/estonia-officially-relinquishes-all-claims-on-parnu
The fall of Estonia | Politics and War
La Plata [
La Plata (politicsandwar.com)
Relation: Friendly
Recognised: September 19th 2101ots / July 2nd 2024ad
Description: (sourced from La Plata homepage)
La Plata (Spanish: La Plata), or the 1st Empire of La Plata is a country located in south South America, with parts of its territory in the pacific ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and Europe. It is the largest country in Southern South America and the fourth-most populous in SA. Spanning across the majority of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile, its territory also includes the Azores islands in the Atlantic Ocean. la Plata is bordered to the north by Peru-Bolivia and Cruzeiro; to the east by Antofagasta spg and south by the Tekkadonia; and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean. La Plata’s capital is Cordoba and largest city is Buenos Aires. With a GDP of 4.3 Trillion, La Plata is the second richest nation In South America, with a population of 80 Million citizens. La Plata is mostly comprised of large farm lands, tall rich mountains and big bustling cities and towns. With this prosperous nation, the geopolitical stature of La Plata is very strong, having excellent relations with all bordering nations, with a military power that is close or in the top 20 most powerful nations in orbis. The citizens of La Plata are mostly comprised of people from those lands (Argentinians, Uruguayans, Bolivians, Chileans and Paraguayans) but it also has people from Chad, Korea and the Transvaal republic. The population is also not counting its neighbours immigrants. La Plata is a successful monarchy lead by akiko shikishima, a Japanese immigrant that arrived to La Plata before the assassination of previous leader, Juan Carlos de Rivera, she has converted La Plata in one of the few functional monarchies in the world showing to the world that it is possible for monarchism to work, even arriving to a royal marriage with Mpande kaSenzangakhona, prince of the Transvaal republic and emperor of La Plata. This royal marriage has created a union between La Plata and Transvaal republic that will hopefully last for years.
Yarava [
Yaravia (politicsandwar.com)
Relation: unofficial ally / friendly
Recognised: November 19th 2101ots / July 7th 2024ad
Description: most notable for sending aid to the FSI (5,000,000 to repair of Estonia and 3,000,000 to FSI as well as 100 planes of aid and 40 planes of volunteers)